Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I am empowered! - Yannah

My Declaration of Self-Esteem

Helen Keller once said, "Life is a daring adventure or nothing"-- because it has always been filled with challenges and obstacles. But, life is good and it is indeed beautiful. Life is empty without the trials and victory wouldn't be sweet without the defeat. At my young age, I have had my share of what life is, and yes, I have only just begun. I have just taken my first step and I am working hard to learn how to run.

I am a perfect example of an imperfect heart, sometimes reckless and temperamental. As the saying goes, "nobody is perfect," though, I am trying to curb my indiscretions and check my passion. Many are those, in our young age, cannot conduct themselves well for they believe they are infallible, blaming the consequences to what they call "folly of the youth". I am thankful, I am lucky for having been raised to accept my flaws and mistakes without any pretense or inhibition. I accept my mistakes and I learned from them. My mom told me that one of the best things that I have ever indulged into was when I say "I am sorry, I have wronged you". I feel equally grateful because I am gifted with talents that gave me the medium to express my inner self. I convey my thoughts through my dance and my music. My guitar and I speak the language of my real self, true, warm and affectionate.

As I go on with my journey, trudging the path of uncertainty, I have learned to approach God. I have learned to attach myself to Him and ask his guidance. My God alone will help me, and with Him, I will be able to manage my life well. I am aware that He wasn't here to make me dormant but rather, to feed my soul and my mind that I can be complete if I strive for it. With God, I will be fulfilled and I will gain authority to control my destiny, simply because, God is enough for me. My God- my strength, my refuge.

I would like to master the art of holding on to my faith; believing in myself, focusing my ideals, struggling hard for what I intend to achieve. In every trial that I will encounter, there will be lessons to be learned; these will be my beacon light in traversing the dark and narrow trail of my bold exploits. I shouldn't falter in my faith in God and I must continuously believe in my ability to emerge as a worthy achiever. I should live life with raging enthusiasm and enduring commitment for fruitful engages.

I am empowered. The books state that empowerment is having authority or power over something- precisely, empowerment is being able to do things my own exceptional ways. Being empowered is to unleash the bastion of power to do things I see fit and upright in a given time and space. I am empowered. I have the courage to achieve my goals. I am determined to fulfill my dreams. I set my destiny. I decide on my own. I have free will. I do things according to my principle. And with that, I chose to be free.

This was written by my daughter Yannah sometime in 2007 for her English class. She's 15 years old and an incoming junior (high school) at MCHS. I was astounded by her thoughts, of her talking about empowerment and principles yet pleased to know that there is depth in her reflection of what life is and how she will prevail over the tests she will encounter. Good Luck daughter...Mom loves You...

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