Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Multiple Intelligence

Intelligence is defined in its simplest as the “ability to learn and understand experiences thereby handling and responding to new situations and solving problems successfully.” It does not only entail academic performance in school; rather includes strengths and inclinations in different aspects of human life. The theory of multiple intelligence was developed by psychologist, Dr. Howard Gardner, who in fact, added another intelligence to the list, making it eight. Here are the eight intelligences that make up the range of human potential:
Linguistic- also called Word Smart. This refers to the ability to speak, entertain, persuade, and instruct thru the use of words. These are people who know how to use language to their advantage. They enjoy word games; have the facility for rhyme, assonance and alliteration to create poetry, essays or novels. They love to write and so they love to read. This is the most universal of all intelligences. Examples of people with this intelligence are journalists, poets, lawyers, story tellers, teachers, and speakers.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence- also called Number Reasoning Smart. This refers to the ability to work with numbers, to think with reason, to see cause and effect. This intelligence relates to logical, mathematical and scientific abilities. People with this intelligence are scientists, mathematicians, computer people, physicians, and astronomers.

Spatial Intelligence- also called Picture Smart. This intelligence refers to ability to visualize and translate details by drawing or sketching. This requires looking at the world and being able to remember, process images in the mind, and create a representation in actuality. A blank sheet of paper will turn into a picture of vibrant garden, a tranquil landscape or exquisite sunrise. Pieces of materials will be transformed into a picturesque mosque or a wonderful edifice. People with this intelligence are painters, artists, designers, cartoonist, architects, photographers, surgeons, pilots, engineers and sculptors.
Musical Intelligence- also called Music Smart. This refers to the ability to hear musical tones in the mind, translate them accordingly and produce sounds, rhythms and melodies. People with this intelligence are singers, composers, instrumentalists and composers.

Bodily Kinesthetic- also called Body Smart. This intelligence refers to the ability to control ones body movements or the ability to handle objects skillfully. People with this intelligence are acrobats, swimmers, athletes, mechanics, surgeons, dancers, jugglers, actors.

Interpersonal Intelligence- also called People Smart. This refers to the capacity to understand and work with people. This also deals to the ability to relate with other people’s moods, feelings, motivation and desires. People with this intelligence are negotiators, politicians, teachers, religious leaders, nurses, care givers, and those who provide service to others.

Intrapersonal Intelligence- also called Self Smart. This refers to intelligence of inner self. This highlights the ability to distinguish feelings like pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, helplessness and angst. People with this intelligence are counselors, theologians, therapists, sages, psychologists, philosophers.

Naturalistic Intelligence- this refers to the ability to understand, relate, categorize, classify and cultivate things in nature. People with this intelligence are farmers, ranchers, gardeners, animal handlers.

The most common intelligences are Linguistic Intelligence and Logical – Mathematical Intelligence. However, it is important to note that one cannot simply focus on one or two intelligences only because a person is a unique combination of various intelligences. It is worth noting that the various intelligences emerge at different periods of growth. It is also rare that an individual develops mastery of six or more intelligences at the same time.
There must be balance in developing the various intelligences to enable the person to work, to live with others, and to face challenges that come his way. The ultimate test is how one makes use of these intelligences to benefit himself and his environment.

Let us distinguish them from one another and try to analyze where you and your kids are most inclined.

Enjoys reading, likes English and history subjects, easy to write and express ideas, likes to tell stories, keeps a diary and participates in debates and elocution contests like extemporaneous speeches, oratorical and declamation and to include spelling bee contests
Can compute numbers in head, enjoys solving puzzles that requires reasoning, likes step by step directions, likes playing chess or other strategy games, likes to put things in order, enjoys science experiments
Likes to draw, tends to take things apart and put back together, likes to play with lego, likes to build three dimensional constructions, sees visual images when eyes closed, likes to doodle
Likes to run, swim, bike; enjoys sports and outdoor games, likes working with tools, enjoys making things with hand, can mimic other people’s mannerisms, can express emotions through dance
Listens to music even when working, sings a lot, remembers melodies of songs, enjoys playing with instruments and knows when tune is off key, like watching musicals
Likes to play other kids, prefers being with friends than being alone, gives advice to friends, is into extracurricular activities and clubs and gets involved in social issues and causes
Needs quiet place to work, is independent, must believe on something to work on, has collection of things that have special significance in personal life, meditation and reflection are rewarding, interested in knowing about ancient and modern philosophers
Enjoys nature, likes to collect rocks, shells, etc.; likes hiking, camping; keeps records of observation about nature, is fascinated about animals, enjoys botany, zoology, biology

• This is a product of my research about intelligence because I was curious about my two kids’ stages of development. I would like to know the explanations on why they are alike in some things despite their gender difference and age gap. I would like also to ascertain points where I could help them develop their potentials. It is exciting to know who among them is excelling in what field and why. My daughter Yannah is 15 years old and my son Alexis will be 13 years old several days from now. I will expound on my personal analysis of their intelligences and in what stage of their growth they have developed such in my forthcoming blog. I hope this article will help us, parents, in such a way that we could formulate support system to develop fully our kids’ intellectual abilities.

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